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Results for "Rainer Maria Rilke"
To Touch the Sky A fascinating collection of mystical poems covering a 3000 year time span.
Risking Everything Exalted and exulting selections by mystical poets.
A Buddhist Life in America A transcript of the 1995 Wit Lecture given at Harvard Divinity School.
Writing - The Sacred Art The lineaments of writing as a sacred art spelled out by a father and son team.
The Left Hand of God Presents an intellectually adventuresome and free-floating survey of the Holy Spirit.
The Paraclete Poetry Anthology An anthology of spiritual poems that animate the soul.
Divine Inspiration Beautifully represents the global dimensions of today's spirituality.
The Essential Rumi An excerpt on Rumi and the moving meditation done by Mevlevi dervishes.
The Call to Create Delves into the relationship between imagination and creative living.
Meetings with the Archangel An extravagantly imagined and beautifully realized spiritual adventure story.